Vine Basket, hand woven. Work well in a market scene or apothecary shop with our shells, confettis, flowers and exotics.
Dimensions: 40 cm long x 20 cm wide x 12 cm deep
Delivery and collection is an additional charge, with the option to arrange your own (pickup and return) at no cost.
Example based on Week One rental of £10:
Rental PeriodWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9
Cost per week£10.00£10.00£5.00£2.50£1.25£1.00£1.00£1.00£1.00
Running Total£10.00£20.00£25.00£27.50£28.75£29.75£30.75£31.75£32.75
If you order this item online, you will only be charged for the first weeks rental. The system will not charge for Delivery or Pickup. We will contact you at the start of the next working day to arrange all of this. Please put your proposed Rental Date and Duration in the 'Notes' section on the order process.
Alternatively, you can email us with your rental requirements, or call us on - 0345 2600899
Replacement value £800.
All items rented based on use as a static prop only. The decision to use them in any other way is taken entirely at your own risk and should be