These naturally harvested bundles of sedge include its often found growing partner, Bog Myrtle. Adding additional texture and colour to our traditional sedge bundles, which are often used for thatching, this mixed bundle brings a rougher, more rustic look for set dressing. Bog Myrtle is often used as an inspect replant, to make teas, and the dried leaves seasoning for foods. Sedges are grass-like plants doing best in moist soil, boggy ground, or shallow water. The two are often found growing along side each other in wet areas. It is a Royal tradition that Bog Myrtle features in boquets.
Long grassy material commonly grown in marsh land. Ideal for set dressing. Makes good 'grass thatch' for huts, beach umbrellas etc.
Height: 1 m or 3'3".
Bundle diameter: 30 cm or 1'.
Cost per bundle.