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Willow Woven Hurdle, approx. 6’ (1.8 m) wide with heights from 3’ (1.2 m) to 6’ (1.8 m). Craftsman made from coppiced willow

Traditional agricultural fence panels produced from woven strips of Willow. Read More

£67.20 (£56.00 + VAT)
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Product Details

Traditional agricultural fence panels produced from woven strips of Willow. Will hammer in to soft ground. Can be screwed, tied or wired together.

Ideal for rustic enclosures, buildings, walls etc. Can be rendered to produce wattle & daub effect.

These traditionally made woven willow hurdles are ideal for rustic fencing, walls and simple buildings can also easily be created. Easy to attach by either screwing together or simply using wire or string. Apply render to produce wattle and daub effect.

Available options:

3' x 6' (0.9 m high x 1.8 m wide) - £33.00

6' x 6' (1.8 m high x 1.8 m wide) - £47.00

Delivery is by pallet - please call for information and a quote. Note - pallet deliveries will require lifting apparatus at the delivery address.