Also known as false yellowhead, sticky fleabane and yellow fleabane, it is often mentioned in adages and proverbs. One adage says that: "My dear one, don't fall in love with any woman who only has good looks, she is like a false yellowhead flower: beautiful, but full of stench."
Despite the fresh-looking green colour of its leaves and its attractive inflorescence, this plant can be sticky when fresh and has a certain smell that used to be considered unpleasant (ours is neither sticky or smelly as it has been dried). It contains an essential oil and has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times, especially as an astringent. A yellow dye substance has, since ancient times, been produced from its roots. Used for witchcraft and spells ingredients.
Our herbs and traditional plants are dried and carefully stored. They can be used to dress market stalls or for 'Witch Doctors', Offerings & Talisman as well as the dark medicines and otherworldly fauna. Casting a spell needs various ingredients so we have plenty of items which will look perfect together with these as they are, or prepared, chopped & deflowered ready for the pot.
They are available in large quantities to be hanging from herb racks in the kitchen, piled up in baskets as if just collected from the woods, on stalls or over tables for the local market or magicians alley.
Woody Fleabane, approx. 50 - 60 cm long by 10 - 15 cm wide.